2024-2025학년도 2학기 벨뷰 캠퍼스 수업 등록 안내
2nd Semester of 2024-25 Bellevue Campus Class Registration Information
- 개강일자: 2025년 2월 1일 (토요일)
- 08/31/2024에 4살이 된 경우만 유아반 입학이 가능합니다.
- 2학기에는 완전 기초는 등록할 수 없습니다. 모든 신입생은 개학날 배치고사를 본 후 성적에 따라 등록이 불가능할 수도 있습니다.
- 등록 방법: 온라인 입학등록하기
- 재학생 등록기간: 1/6/25 월요일(9AM) ~ 1/12/25 일요일(10PM)
신입생 등록기간: 1/13/25 월요일(9AM) ~ 1/19/25 일요일(10PM)
한 가정에서 재학생과 신입생을 동시에 등록해야 할 경우에는 신입생도 재학생 등록 기간에 함께 등록하시면 됩니다. -
장소: Tyee middle School
13630 SE Allen Rd, Bellevue, WA 98006 -
성인반 캠퍼스 주소:13300 SE 30th St. Suite 105, Room 201A
Bellevue, WA 98005 - 벨뷰 통합 한국학교 저소득층 등록금 지원 안내
- 연락처: [email protected] / (425) 500-4643
- First Day of 2nd Semester: Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025
- The student has to be the age of 4 by Aug. 31th, 2024 to enroll in the Preschool class for 2024-25 1st and 2nd semester.
- A complete beginner cannot register for the 2nd semester. Please register in the fall semester.
- All new students registering for the second semester must take the placement test. If the test results indicate a proficiency level that may make it challenging to keep up with second-semester classes, registration may be canceled.
- Registration: Online Registration
- Enrolled Student Registration: 1/6/2025 Mon.(9AM) ~ 1/12/2025 Sun.(10PM)
New Student Registration: 1/13/2025 Mon.(9AM) ~ 1/19/2025 Sun.(10PM)
If you need to register both an enrolled and a new student in a family, please register both at the enrolled student registration period. -
Lacatioin: Tyee middle School
13630 SE Allen Rd, Bellevue, WA 98006 -
Adult Class Campus:13300 SE 30th St. Suite 105, Room 201A
Bellevue, WA 98005 - Contact Info: [email protected] / (425) 500-4643
한국어와 한국 문화 (Korean Language and Culture) 현장수업 In-Person (16 weeks)
Location: Tyee middle School
학년 Grade | 수업 시간 Schedule | 등록금 Tuition |
유아/ 유치 Pre-K / Kinder | 2/1/2025 - 5/31/2025 토요일 Sat. 9:05AM - 11:45AM |
1st child: $395, 2nd & 3rd child: $350, 4th child: $305 Adult: $395,
Parents: $250
초등 1st - 5th Grade 중고등 6th - 12th Grade 성인반 Adult * |
2/1/2025 - 5/31/2025 토요일 Sat. 9:00AM - 11:50AM |
*Adult In-person class location: USBKS Bellevue Office (13300 SE 30th St. Suite 105, Room 201A, Bellevue, WA 98005)
특별활동반 Enrichment Class: 2/1/2025 - 5/24/2025 (14 weeks)
- 5/3/2025 PreK, K - No Enrichment Class
- 5/10/2025 Elementary, Mid, High School - No Enrichment Class
수업시간: 토요일 12:00PM ~ 12:50PM
과목 Class | 수업료 Tuition |
종이랑 미술이랑 A Art (Pre-K) | $180 including material fee |
종이랑 미술이랑 B Art (Pre-K) | $180 including material fee |
종이랑 미술이랑 C Art (Kinder) | $180 including material fee |
종이랑 미술이랑 D Art (Kinder) | $180 including material fee |
미술반 2 만들기 A Art 2 Crafts (1st ~ 2nd) | $180 including material fee |
미술반 2 만들기 B Art 2 Crafts (1st ~ 2nd) | $180 including material fee |
미술반 2 만들기 C Art 2 Crafts (1st ~ 2nd) | $180 including material fee |
미술반 3 A Art 3 (3rd ~ 4th) | $180 including material fee |
미술반 3 B Art 3 (5th ~ 7th) | $180 including material fee |
서예 Korean Calligraphy (3rd ~ 12th)
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$180 including material fee |
캘리그라피 Calligraphy (3rd ~ 12th)
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$180 including material fee |
종이접기 고급반 Jong-ie Jopgi advanced (3rd ~ 7th) | $180 including material fee |
한국무용 Korean Dance (2nd ~ 6th) | $150 |
난타 Nanta (4th ~ 12th) * | $150 |
합창 Choir (1st ~ 12th) | $150 |
*난타반 학생은 학교에서 지급 되는 북을 각자 가지고 다녀야 합니다. Nanta band students should each carry the drums provided at school.
*특활반 등록인원이 6명 미만인 경우 취소될 수 있습니다. If there are less than 6 students enrolled, the class may be canceled.
*특활반 수업이 시작한 후 2주 후에는 이동 불가능하며 2주 전에 재료비가 있는 다른 반으로 이동시에는 새로 이동한 반의 재료비를 추가로 납부해야 합니다. After the enrichment class begins, it's impossible to move after two weeks. If you move to a different class that requires materials two weeks before, you'll need to additionally pay the materials fee for the newly moved class.
* 추가요금 Surcharge
- 교재비 (Textbook Fee) 유아, 유치반: $30 Pre-K, Kinder: $30 1-2학년: $20 1st-2nd grade : $20
- 교지값 (Yearbook Fee) 가정당 ($30)은 2학기에만 부과됩니다. 1학기에는 교지가 배부되지 않습니다. $30 per family for 2nd semester only. No yearbook is published in 1st semester.
- 학부모 회비 (PTA Fee) $20 (각 학생당) $20 for each student
- 이번년도 부터 등록금 및 환불 규정이 변동되었습니다. 아래 링크에서 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. Starting from this year, there have been changes in the registration and refund regulations. Please check the details in the link below. Refund Policy / Registration Q&A
- 등록마감 후 일주일 안에 결제 완료가 안되면 자동 등록 취소됩니다. If payment is not completed within a week after the registration period ends, the registration will be canceled.
- 장학증서, 목사님자녀, 저소득가정 장학금 등으로 등록금 합계 가격조정이 필요하신경우, 등록 마지막 페이지에서 등록금 조정 신청을 해주세요. 확인 이메일을 받으신 후에 결제하시면 됩니다. If you need to adjust the total price of tuition with scholarship certificate, pastor's children scholarship, low-income family scholarship, etc., please apply for Tuition Adjustment on the last page of registration, and pay AFTER receiving confirmation email.
- 학교에서 제공한 크레딧은 본인과 본인가족만 사용 가능하며 환불은 불가합니다. Credits provided by the school can only be used by you and your family, and refunds are not available.