USBKS 5월 가정통신 1 ( May Newsletter 1 ) > 시애틀 공지사항

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USBKS 5월 가정통신 1 ( May Newsletter 1 )

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작성자 시애틀관리자 작성일19-05-07 22:09 조회13,824회 댓글0건



USBKS 5월 가정통신 1 ( May  Newsletter  1 ) : 2019 5 1  

(From) : 시애틀 벨뷰  통합한국학교 시애틀캠퍼스 교장(Principal)
 (To)     : 학부모님(Parents)   




지난 주에는 서북미 합창대회에 우리 학교 학생들이 참가하였습니다.

합창대회를 위해 열심히 연습해 준 우리 학생들에게 고마움을 전합니다.

귀한 시간 할애해서 멀리서 합창대회에 참석해 주신 부모님들 그리고 합창반 총지휘를 맡아 주신 심지현 선생님께 다시 한번 고마움을 전합니다.

앞으로도 시애틀 통합 한국학교는 우리 학생들에게 소중한 배움과 넓은 경험의 기회를 가능한 한 많이 얻을 수 있도록 변함없이 적극 지원할 것을 약속드립니다.


512일에는 USBKS 학교 발전 기금 모금의 밤 행사가 있습니다.

올해는 학부모님들의 많은 참여를 위해 식사비는 $80 받습니다. (부부의 경우$150).  학부모님들 Tab 따로 있습니다학부모님들의 적극적인 참여와 후원을 부탁드립니다.


이제 2학기도 한 달밖에 남지 않았습니다. 그동안의 사랑과 관심 속에 학생 수도 증가하고 많은 행사도 잘 치를 수 있었습니다깊이 감사드립니다. 저희 교사들 남은 한 달도 열심히 하여  더욱 내실있는 학교가 될 수 있도록 정진하겠습니다.

마지막 날(5 25)에 있을 예술제에 많이 오셔서 격려해 주시고, 새로운 학기에 다시 뵙기를 기대하겠습니다.


5 행사

l  5 12 USBKS 기금 모금의

l  5 25 : 년을 마무리하는 학생들의 예술제  10:30 - 12

                      이학기 마지막 , 상장과 성적표 배부, 교지 배부


USBKS May Newsletter 1: May 1, 2019
From: Principal, Seattle Campus, United Seattle Bellevue Korean School

To    : Parents and Families   


Dear Parents,


Last week, our Korean school choir participated in the Northwest American Chorus Contest.

Thank you to our students for practicing hard for the choir competition.

Thank you to parents who took the time to attend the choir competition from afar and to Ms. Shim who directed the choir. In the future, the Seattle Unified Korean School promises to provide our students with the opportunity to learn and experience as much as possible.


On May 12, there will be a night event for the USBKS 2019 Annual Fund Campaigns.
This year, parents pay $80 for the meal
. $150 for couples. We have a separate link for parents at

Your support is greatly appreciated.


We have only a month left until the end of the 2018-19 school year. Thanks to your thoughtful support and cooperation, we successfully administered classes and various events throughout the year. We deeply appreciate everything that you have done for us. We, teachers and staff, will work as hard as we can for the remaining weeks so we can celebrate another wonderful year here at the Seattle campus of USBKS.

Please join us for the end-of-school-year celebration on the last day of school (May 26). We look forward to seeing you at the event and next semester!   


Events in May


·      May 12thUSBKS 2019 Annual Fund Campaign

·      May 25th : End-of-School Year Celebration  10:30-12:00pm Last day of the 2nd semester; awards, transcripts, and yearbook will be handed out



On May 12, there will be a nightly event for the USBKS 2019 Annual Fund Campaigns.
This year, parents pay $80 for meals for a lot of participation. ($150 for couples.) We have a separate tab for parents at

Your support is greatly appreciated.


We have only a month left until the end of the 2018-19 school year. Thanks to your thoughtful support and cooperation, we successfully administered classes and various events throughout the year. We deeply appreciate everything that you have done for us. We, teachers and staff, will work as hard as we can for the remaining weeks so we can wrap up another wonderful year here at the Seattle campus of USBKS.

Please join us for the end-of-school year celebration at the last day of school (May 26). We look forward to seeing you at the event and next semester!  


Events in May


·      May 12th: USBKS 2019 Annual Fund Campaigns.

·      May 25th : End-of-School Year Celebration  10:30-12:00 Last day of the 2nd semester; awards, transcripts, and yearbook will be handed out




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