가람반 (Adult 1)

12/2 Class Overview

페이지 정보

작성자 시애틀캠퍼스 작성일23-12-02 15:09 조회270회 댓글0건




Today we reviewed everything we learned this semester. 

The main topics were: 


Consonants and vowels: 

-Their names, shapes, and sounds 

-Double consonants

-Compound Vowels 

-Supporting consonants


Classroom vocabulary:

-What are common commands/requests/words used in class?

-What do they mean? When are they used?



-What are the two counting systems?

-What are the counting numbers?

-When do we use the numbers? 

-How do we read numbers? 


Verb Conjugations:
-Simple polite past/present/future tense 


-Simple polite negative past/present/future tense 

-지 않아요/지 않았어요/지 않을 거예요. 


Particles and Sentence Structure:

-Subject-object-verb sentence structure

-What are commonly used particles? 

-What does each particle indicate? 


Study hard for the exam next week :) 


Great job this week, 

See you next week!



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