매화 (MaeHwa)

3/23 Mid-term Presentation

페이지 정보

작성자 벨뷰캠퍼스 작성일24-03-24 07:33 조회98회 댓글0건


On 3/23 (this Saturday), students presented their mid-term projects (My Favorite Korean Restaurant) in class. They did a great job presenting their work and sharing their feedback about classmates’ presentations. Late submissions will be accepted until 3/29 (with reduced grade), and presentations of their projects will be on 3/30.



1.    Mid-term presentation PPT/Goodgle Slides: Late submission due on 3/29. Please send it to Mrs. Shim at [email protected]


Topic: Mid-term Presentation

1st Period

9:00 10:05

1.    Individual Work: Homework Check & Quiz

2.    Opening Routine:

- C+V review & Spelling Practice

- Calendar: numbers, date, weather

3.  Final Review:

- Vocab: Quizlet

- Grammar/Expressions: ‘-하고 (같이)’, ‘-()ㄹ 거예요’, ‘’ irregular conjugation, -/어서Password: -에 갈 거예요.

10:05 10:30

-      Music Class: Arirang, Champion

-      Snack Time

2nd Period

10:35 11:50

1. Preparation for my Mid-term presentation

2. Mid-term Presentation

- My Presentation & Peer Feedback

* 공기 놀이/제기 차기

3. Closing:


Password: -을 먹을 거예요.



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