매화 (MaeHwa)

11/11 Lesson & Assignments

페이지 정보

작성자 벨뷰캠퍼스 작성일23-11-11 14:25 조회374회 댓글0건



1.    Workbook pg 8-10

2.    Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/847945456/1-2-unit-02-%EA%B8%88%EC%9A%94%EC%9D%BC%EC%97%90-%EC%9A%B0%EB%A6%AC-%EC%A7%91%EC%97%90-%EC%98%A4%EC%84%B8%EC%9A%94-flash-cards/?i=1kia72&x=1jqt


Topic: Unit 2. Grammar: Time Particle -& imperative ending –()세요

Learning Objective

1.     I can use ‘-’ to express time correctly. 

2.     I can use ‘-()세요’ to make a polite request/give instrucution’

1st Period

9:00 10:00

1. Individual Work: Vocab worksheet & Quiz

2. Opening Routine:

- Greeting and C+V review (‘’ words: 바다, 버섯, 보물, 부자, 브로콜리, 비빔밥)

- Calendar: , , , 요일 (year, month, date, days of the week) and numbers

3. Unit 2. Grammar

- Time Particle -

- Imperative ending –()세요 to make a polite request or instruction

*Password: ‘오늘이 몇일이에ㅛ?’ -> ‘1111일 이에요.’

10:05 10:40

Snack Break

Music Class: Jajinmori-jangdan (Korean beats),  Dog song,Goodheori-Jangdan

2nd Period

10:40 11:50

1. Unit 2: listening Practice

2. Station Rotation:

- Station 1: Grammar + Speaking:  O+/(Location+-)+V stem + ()세요.

(1) A student draws a command picture card and acts it out (e.g. 책을 보세요)

(2) The rest pick correct verb card, noun card, and particle card. Arrange the cards in the correct order and say the imperative sentence.

- Station 2: Workbook & Handwriting practice

3. Closing:

- Assignments

*Password: ‘생일이 언제예요?’ -> ‘____일이에요.



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