매화 (MaeHwa)

11/4 Lesson & Assignments

페이지 정보

작성자 벨뷰캠퍼스 작성일23-11-04 17:49 조회389회 댓글0건



1.     Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/847945456/1-2-unit-02-%EA%B8%88%EC%9A%94%EC%9D%BC%EC%97%90-%EC%9A%B0%EB%A6%AC-%EC%A7%91%EC%97%90-%EC%98%A4%EC%84%B8%EC%9A%94-flash-cards/?i=1kia72&x=1jqt

2.  Record your answer to the following questions on Vocaroo (vocaroo.com) and email your recording (copy the link) to Mrs. Shim ([email protected]).

1.     오늘은 며칠이에요? What is the date today? -> 오늘은 ___, ______일이에요.

2.     오늘은 무슨 요일이에요? What day of the week is today? 오늘은 ___요일이에요.

3.     생일이 언제예요? When is your birthday? _______일 이에요.


Topic: Unit 2. Calendar (When is ___?)

Learning Objective I can use calendar words to express dates correctly. 

1st Period

9:00 10:00

1. Individual Work: Vocab worksheet & Quiz

2. Opening Routine:

- Greeting and C+V review (‘’ words: 마술, 머리, 모자, 무지개, 오므라이스, 미소)

- Calendar: , , , 요일 (year, month, date, days of the week) and numbers

3. Unit 2. Calendar

- What is the date today?: year, month, date (, , )

- What day of the week is it today?: , , , , , , 일요일

*Password: ‘오늘은 무슨 요일이에요?’ -> ‘토요일이에요.’

10:05 10:20

Snack Break

Music Class: Flashmob ‘독도는 우리 ’, Korean traditional dance & ‘개타령

2nd Period

10:20 11:50

1. Unit 2: When is your birthday? 생일이 언제예요? ______일이에요.

- Team Game: Birthday Line Up

2. Station Rotation:

- Station 1: Grammar + Speaking:  O +V Sentences (___하고 ___/______.)

- Station 2: Vocab Bingo – Draw a picture card: say the word in Korean to play

- Station 3: Numbers Game – 3.6.9 or Dice Game (say the 3-digit numbers)

3. Closing:

- Exit Ticket: What is going well? What can be better?

- Assignments

*Password: ‘생일이 언제예요?’ -> ‘____일이에요.



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