December Newsletter > 시애틀 공지사항

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시애틀 공지사항

December Newsletter

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작성자 시애틀캠퍼스 작성일18-12-03 20:37 조회16,818회 댓글0건




December  Newsletter : 12/4/2018
From : USBKS Seattle Campus Principal
To     : Parents and Families 



Dear Parents and Families,


On November 17, we held the Drawing and Writing contest award ceremony. The annual contest is a meaningful event that emphasizes the importance of learning Korean and reminds children of the importance of their native language. Thank you and your parents for attending the awards ceremony and we look forward to your future support.
Thank you for the efforts of PTA parents with preparing delicious lunches every week. And thank you to parents who are happy to volunteer in lunches with their PTA parents. Thanks to you, our students can have a delicious and enjoyable lunch every week.
With parents' participation and interest, our Seattle Unified School is growing stronger. Our teachers will work harder to meet expectations. 
There is an in-school speaking contest on January 12. This year, all of the classes that correspond to Korean levels of intermediate and advanced levels will participate. In the adult class, those who are wanting to can participate. Please see attached file for further instructions.
Also, the afternoon event will be held at the United Seattle Korean School Volunteer Service Award ceremony. The purpose of this service award ceremony is to provide a position for and reward tutors who serve Korean schools and to make them feel the value of their service. Details of the awards ceremony will be announced again. 

The Korean Consulate General will also be in attendance on January 12 and will hold a Korean nationality military service briefing. Parents are encouraged to attend in order to receive the most up to date information on the Korean nationality military service and to see if their children will be effected.

On January 19 there will be a speech contest and a Market Day event. I hope that many parents can join their children and enjoy the fun of the market on January 19, the end of the first semester.


December Event
• December 15:
Final Exam
• December 22 and December 30: No School

January event
• 12 January:
USBKS Speech Contest
• 12 January: Volunteer Service Award ceremony (12:30 to 1:30)

Korean nationality military service briefing (Korean Consulate General)
• 19th January: USBKS Speech Contest Awards ceremony and Market Day

Second semester registration
• February 2nd is the beginning of the second semester.
• Second semester registration: Online registration begins on January 3. Visiting registration will be accepted in the school office on January 5. (Please join the online registration. www
• The registration fee for parents who want to learn Hangul is $100.


Principal: Haesung Yoon / [email protected]
Vice Principal: Youngoak Choi /  (206)795-9010





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