November Newsletter > 시애틀 공지사항

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시애틀 공지사항

November Newsletter

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작성자 시애틀캠퍼스 작성일18-10-30 14:21 조회17,515회 댓글0건




USBKS November Newsletter, October 30, 2018
From: USBKS Seattle campus Principal

To    : Parents and Families      


Dear parents and families,


We had the open house on October 14th. Parents had attended their childrens classes and had time to talk with the teachers. Also, during our parents meeting, we introduced our school and events we are planning. USBKS board members joined us and gave an encouraging speech to the parents and families. Thank you very much for all the thoughtful encouragements and attentiveness.

We were extremely encouraged when we saw that many parents had joined the meeting, and now we can be sure that our school will be able to show rapid growth under this kind of atmosphere. We, the teachers, will do our very best to return to you, the parents and families, your support and dedication.



Events in November

·         11/3:  School Writing& Drawing Contest – see attachment

              - Pre-K and Kindergarten students can participate by drawing.

              - Please have a conversation with your children about the topic and encourage them.

·         11/17: Writing and Drawing Contest Award Ceremony

·         11/24:  No School

          We wish you all enjoy Thanksgiving Day with family and friends!


v  In case of inclement weather, school closure will be posted on the school website at 7 AM on the school day.  Classroom teachers will individually notify each students as well.


v  Attachments: Notice of School Writing & drawing Contest


 교장(Principal): 윤혜성 ( Haesung Yoon) [email protected]
교감 (Vice Principal) : 최영옥 ( Youngoak Choi) (206)795-9010




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Total 173건 11 페이지
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