October Newsletter > 시애틀 공지사항

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시애틀 공지사항

October Newsletter

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작성자 시애틀캠퍼스 작성일18-10-04 20:40 조회17,969회 댓글0건



USBKS October Newsletter, October 4,  2018
From: USBKS Seattle campus Principal

To    : Parents and Families      


Dear parents and families,


Thank you very much for your registration of 2018-2019 Fall semester! Teachers of the Seattle Korean School have been leading the classes with enthusiasm and devotion to improve students' Korean skill and overall development. Please come to the school open house on October 20 and meet classroom teachers and experience how the class runs. At the parents' meeting, you will learn about the growth of the school and have an opportunity to share your valuable suggestions and opinions.


Please keep in mind that the school only meets once a week, so the home environment is crucial in improving Korean proficiency of your loved ones. Use Korean in conversation with your children at home if possible. USBKS teachers and staff will be there for you whenever you have questions or concerns.


Events in October

·         10/06: Celebration Hangul Day

Calligraphy award ceremony will be held in the Middle and High School entrance halls.

Five of the winning works have entered the "World Children's Hangul calligraphy Contest" Finals for the 572th anniversary of the Korean Hangul Day Event. As a result, Haven Kim in the 4th grade was awarded the Unification Ministry Prize. Congratulations! 

·         10/20: Open house and parents' meeting


In case of absence, please notify the teacher in advance, and you can visit the school website (www.usbks.us) to find summary of lessons and homework.


 Times for pick up -  regular class: 12:OO   /   enrichment class: 1:00pm 


Please keep in mind that we are renting Shoreline Christine School’s facilities, and it must be treated with care. It would be greatly appreciated if you can remind your children to use the school facilities carefully.

 교장(Principal): 윤혜성 ( Haesung Yoon) [email protected]
교감 (Vice Principal) : 최영옥 ( Youngoak Choi) (206)795-9010




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시애틀 공지사항 목록

Total 173건 11 페이지
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