Nara Newsletter 12.07.24 > 나라반

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Nara Newsletter 12.07.24

페이지 정보

작성자 시애틀캠퍼스 작성일24-12-22 01:37 조회41회 댓글0건


Announcements + Reminders: 

- Please pack a snack or light lunch for students that need to eat something at 11:00AM. 

- Students should also bring a pencil and a folder to class every week.

Our class is in need of basic school supplies: pencils, erasers, tissues, baby wipes, etc. Please donate if you are able to! 


Semester 1 test is next week! Please have students review and practice the material they take home.


What we did in school: 

- We reviewed consonants: ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ.

- We learned about "batchim" the supporting letter that goes underneath a consonants and vowel combination.

- We practiced putting vowels and consonants together by working in stations and rotating with our groups:

In our stations, we learned how to count, how to write consonants and vowels together, and how to write words in the correct stroke order.

- We did work in stations reviewing words while learning new words (with batchim and double consonants): 하마, 사자, 기차, 피자, 바나나, 어머니, 드라마, 나라반, 토마토, 버스, 피아노, 고구마, 두유, 나비, 누나, 고기, 두부, 나무, 김치, 쌈, 빵, 토끼, 코끼리, 아빠.


- Homework is to practice reading, writing, saying out loud the words on the flashcards that the students made at school.



Down below are hangul (alphabet) that will be helpful during practice and homework:


아 (ah), 야 (yah), 어 (uh), 여 (yuh), 오 (oh), 요 (yoh), 우 (ooh), 유 (yooh), 으 (eu), 이 (ee), 

에 (eh), 애 (eh), 와 (wah).


ㄱ (G/K), ㄴ (N), ㄷ (D), ㄹ (L), ㅁ (M), ㅂ (B), ㅅ (S), ㅇ (A/O), ㅈ (J), ㅊ (CH), ㅋ (K), ㅌ (T), ㅍ (P), ㅎ (H).


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

나라반 목록

Total 17건 1 페이지
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